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'Races of Arkrath' Players have access to a near limitless choice of races to choose from during character creation. Here we will outline the more common races found in Arkrath as well as outline suggested costuming ideas. Please note these are cultural norms for each race as they appear in Arkrath and as with any cultural norm there are outliers and exceptions. The main goal is to facilitate roleplaying with a “gold standard” for each race, please reach out to the plot team if you are unsure of your character concept or how they would fit in with the world and we will gladly assist!


The humans of Arkrath are one of the most common races found. With a shorter lifespan than most of the other races, humans tend to be more ambitious and adaptable to the ever-changing landscape of Arkrath.

City Folk. These humans have created a more sedentary lifestyle behind the protection of city walls. From behind their walls the City Folk continue to expand their knowledge on the workings of the world and create a system of governance that allows for a caste of wealthy nobles who can offer protection to the workers below them. Other’s form groups of like minded individuals as a guild to help facilitate their agendas.
Wanderers. These humans have embraced the dangers of the wilds, moving from area to area as a tribe. Some groups try to predict when and where rifts will open so that they may be there to collect any items of interest left behind, while other groups travel to avoid the rifts and the potential dangers they present.
Costuming Guidelines
Humans tend to wear clothing that reflects their status, whether that is a guild symbol, a house crest, tribal tattoos, etc.  They tend to be the most versatile when it comes to costuming. 


The dwarves Arkrath have long avoided the rifts by holing up in the mountains of the realm. Adventuring dwarves were almost unheard of until the destruction of Shakar caused a series of tremors to destroy many of the deeper mines in the Dwarven Ancestral home (located in the Mountains to the west of Shakar).

Gold Dwarves. This is the noble class of Dwarves who tend to live closer to the surface than their counterparts. The Gold Dwarves tend to be expert metal crafters and enchanters who love to show off their skills by adorning their beards with rings of gold, silver and gems.
Iron Dwarves. The Iron Dwarves are the working class of Dwarves, as skilled with a pick as they are with an axe and hammer. Iron Dwarves do not have the luxury of keeping their beard as well-kept as the Gold Dwarves and as such they tend to be more wild looking with any adornments being made of cheaper materials such as leather.
Costuming Guidelines
The main distinguishable trait of a Dwarf from any of the other races is their magnificent beard.  As mentioned above Gold dwarves tend to utilize a lot more jewelry and Iron Dwarves are a lot more plain/wild.


The Elves of Arkrath live with/in nature. Although they may live with nature there is a split between the elves on the ideology on how to live with nature.

Miasto Raekta. While most elves love nature there are some that believe that they should control it.
Náttú Natura. While some think nature should be controlled others think they should simply live with it.
Costuming Guidelines
Insert Elf costuming guidelines here.


Gnomes are expert crafters and enchanters. With no known homeland of their own they for their own communities in and around other towns

Solar Gnomes. Crafters
Lunar Gnomes. Enchanters
Costuming Guidelines
Insert Gnome costuming guidelines here.


Lizardmen, Kenku, catfolk, etc. Beastmen are humanoids that have various bestial features ranging from scaly lizardmen to feathered Kenku. They have all lived together in there various clans but recently the clans have joined together and formed two different factions.

Costuming Guidelines
Insert costuming guidelines here.


Aetherborn residents of Arkrath that are attune to a specific elemental aether whether natural or manufactured.

Natural. Being born in/near a naturally attuned aether crystal area can develop attunement to that element
Manufactured. Manufactured Aetherborn a creatures attuned to element through artificial means. They range from elemental golems to magically enhanced humanoids
Costuming Guidelines
Insert costuming guidelines here.

The Touched

The Touched are ones that are born with abnormal looks and powers. It is believed that it caused by abundant amount of aether in the world. The religious think that those born like this have been touched by the gods

Celestial. Touched by order
Abyssal. Touched by chaos
Costuming Guidelines
Insert costuming guidelines here.


Description Here.

Orcs and Half-Orcs.
Costuming Guidelines
Insert costuming guidelines here.


Riftlings are what the residents of Arkrath call the creatures that come out of the rift

Costuming Guidelines
Insert costuming guidelines here.