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Nichnevyn are a type of witch clan in Arkrath. Their roots were Wanderer Humans who utilized elemental magic and the natural paths each element had with the cardinal and ordinal directions. At one point in their history, the humans ceased to travel and created established settlements... but only in the cardinal directions- North, South, East, West. These settlements, now known as the Olde Settlements, have long been abandoned and their whereabouts are lost to the current generation.

Through the ages and as the Rifts began to cause incredible disturbances, most notably the destruction of Shakar, Nichnevyn saw a massive decrease in their population. Nowadays, most Nichnevyn have embraced their ancestral roots and travel while practicing their clan's traditions. Since the Olde Settlements have been abandoned and lost, most witches are found living either in Shieldhaven or in sporadic humble hamlets. Some clans have even welcomed those of other races, allowing the outsiders to practice in their ways. Rather than having allegiances with duchies or government, Nichnevyn are loyal to their clan and their kind. A witch refers to themself as their clan name rather than as a citizen of a country.

There are three types of Nichnevyn:

  • Nichnevyn (NICH - neh - vin) - the general term for a witch that adheres to elemental/directional magic practices, most notably aligned with the cardinal directions: North, South, East, West. Most witches are in this category and usually stay in places longer than others.
  • Eadar (eh TDR) - the general term for a witch that adheres to elemental/directional magic practices, most notably aligned with the ordinal directions: NorthEast, NorthWest, SouthEast, SouthWest. These witches are less populated and tend to travel more.
  • Nwine (nuh - WY - nne) - Nichnevyn who do not align with any direction. The rarest of witches and usually are alone.