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Nichnevyn are a type of witch clan in Arkrath. Their roots were Wanderer Humans who utilized elemental magic and the natural paths each element had with the cardinal and ordinal directions. At one point in their history, the humans ceased to travel and created established settlements... but only in the cardinal directions- North, South, East, West. These settlements, now known as the Olde Settlements, have long been abandoned and their whereabouts are lost to the current generation.

Through the ages and as the Rifts began to cause incredible disturbances, most notably the destruction of Shakar, Nichnevyn saw a massive decrease in their population. Nowadays, most Nichnevyn have embraced their ancestral roots and travel while practicing their clan's traditions. Since the Olde Settlements have been abandoned and lost, most witches are found living either in Shieldhaven or in sporadic humble hamlets. Some clans have even welcomed those of other races, allowing the outsiders to practice in their ways. Rather than having allegiances with duchies or government, Nichnevyn are loyal to their clan and their kind. A witch refers to themself as their clan name rather than as a citizen of a country.

There are three types of Nichnevyn:

  • Nichnevyn (NICH - neh - vin) - the general term for a witch that adheres to elemental/directional magic practices, most notably aligned with the cardinal directions: North, South, East, West. Most witches are in this category and usually stay in places longer than others.
  • Eadar (eh TDR) - the general term for a witch that adheres to elemental/directional magic practices, most notably aligned with the ordinal directions: NorthEast, NorthWest, SouthEast, SouthWest. These witches are less populated and tend to travel more.
  • Nwine (nuh - WY - nne) - Nichnevyn who do not align with any direction. The rarest of witches and usually are alone.

In order to portray that a witch is part of a clan, they use 'de na' between their name and their clan name.

For instance, Mel is of the Gaistline clan. So Mel is Mel de na Gaistline.

If Mel has a last name, then she simply adds the clan after it. So Mel Patterson de na Gaistline.

Some witches love long names and will add titles to their name. This is fine. So for instance, Mel Patterson de na Gaistline, First of Their Name, Elemental Witch of Earth and Fire.

If a witch wishes to change clans, then they can do so with no ill will. However, witches that continually switch clans will eventually be forsaken their clan's name and no longer be allowed to use 'de na'. Instead, they will be termed as Treigsinne . For example, if Mel keeps changing clans, word will get around eventually (communication is key with the Nichnevyn) and will be labeled simply as Mel Treigsinne.


Gyre Carline (GUY - er CAR - line) - North Clan - earth energy

Those in this clan usually reside in Shieldhaven. There are ruins of the olde settlement but most of the Gyre Carline rarely visit. Witches of the Gyre Carline clan utilize earth elemental magic. They are well adapted to life in the lowlands and work with their hands (writing, scrying, knitting). Their connection with their magic is strongest at sunset/sunrise. Windy, cloudy days give them energy. Animals associated with Gyre Carline witches are highland cows and falcons. Some Gyre Carline pay respects to a matron spirit, known as Fae Queen. Colors associated with the Gyre Carline are smoky purple, peach, and grey. (edited)

Nokke (NOH - ck) - South Clan - water element

Those in this clan usually reside along beaches or cliffs. Some have even taken a solitary life on an island. There is tale of the olde settlement on a mysterious island but none have found it. Witches of the Nokke clan utilize water elemental magic. They are well adapted to life near the ocean, whether on a beach or a cliff. They work well with crafting (sculpting, glass work, yarn crafts). Their connection with their magic is strongest mid-moon. Rainy, foggy days give them energy. Animals associated with Nokke witches are horses and whales. Some Nokke pay respect to a matron spirit, a water horse whose name, Nokke, the clan adopted. Colors associated with the Nokke are deep teal, pale blue, and grey. (edited)

Gaist (GHAY - st) - East Clan - fire element

Those in this clan usually reside in the lowlands surrounding rivers or even in islands in wider rivers. Rumors of the olde settlement being near a dried-up riverbed abounds but no one has dared to venture forth to discover it. Witches of the Gaist clan utilize fire elemental magic. They are well adapted to river-life and are excellent at commerce. Their crafts are fine-tuned (leatherwork, metal work, painting). Their connection with their magic is strongest midday. Hot, steamy days give them energy. Animals associated with Gaist witches are lynx and barn owls. Some Gaist pay respect to a matron spirit, known as Ghast. Colors assocated with the Gaist are deep burgundy, mauve pink, and grey. (edited)

Herodias (hr - OH - dee - us) West Clan - air element

Those in this clan usually reside forests, especially those near lakes. Some say deep within the thickest forest there is a deep lake and there lies the olde settlement... that no one has seen. Witches of the Herodias clan utilize air elemental magic. They are well adapted to life in the forest and alongside lakes. They work well with their bodies (singing, dancing, weaving). Their connection with their magic is strongest at moonrise/moonset. Warm days with shade give them energy. Animals associated with Herodias witches are wolves and frogs. Some Herodias pay respect to a matron spirit, known as Hecate. Colors associated with the Herodias are forest green, goldenrod, and grey. (edited)

Nic Naoimhein (nich - NIGHM - eyn) - Nwine - aether energy

Those who identify as Nic Naoimhein do not follow a clan. They are solitary witches who live in true center which is deep underground. There is no olde settlement. A Nic Naoimhein witch is attuned to aether energy. They are well adapted to life underground but have been known to venture above ground. Their crafts are solitary (meditation, star gazing, runework). Their connection with their magic is strongest during the new moon. Eerie, still days with no wind give them energy. The animal associated with the Nic Naoimhein is none other than the Aether Beast, the Trimera. Nic Naoimhein don't usually pay respects to a matron spirit but if they choose to, it is an individual's choice. Colors associated with the Nic Naoimhein are grey with any color of their choosing. (edited)

Gyre Herodias () North-West Clan - earth & air element


Gaistline () North-East Clan - earth & fire element


Herokke () South-West Clan - water & air element


Nokke Gaist () South-East Clan - water & fire element
